
Today we are talking about The Needs Review Queue Initiative, What it is, and How it’s helping to improve Drupal with guest Stephen Mustgrave. We’ll also cover Translation Management Tool as our module of the week.
Today we are talking about the a new Drupal Book Modernizing Drupal 10 Theme Development, What’s new in Drupal 10 theming, and tools that can help speed up theming with guest Luca Lusso. We’ll also cover Admin Dialogs as our module of the week.
Today we are talking about the Web Sustainability Guidelines, How sustainability applies to the web, and how your website can be more sustainable with guests Mike Gifford and Andy Blum. We’ll also cover LB Plus as our module of the week.
Today we are talking about The Conflict Resolution Team, What they do, and Why they do it with guest Mark Casias. We’ll also cover Smart Trim as our module of the week.
Today we are talking about Commerce Kickstart, Commerce in General, and What’s new at Centarro with guest Ryan Szrama. We’ll also cover Navigation as our module of the week.
Today we are talking about The Future of Drupal article, What Challenges Drupal may have, and How we can overcome them together! with guest Ricardo Marcelino.
Today we are talking about Same Page Preview, Why it’s needed, and When it might land in Drupal Core with our guest Chris Weber. We’ll also cover Type Tray as our module of the week.
Today we are talking about Drupal 7 EOL, Backdrop CMS, and Upgrade strategy from Drupal 7 with guests Jen Lampton & Laryn Kragt Bakker. We’ll also cover Acquia Migrate: Accelerate as our module of the week.
Today we are talking about Inclusive Hiring Practices, Disability Employment Awareness Month, and tips to improve your hiring practices with our guest Donna Bungard. We’ll also cover Organigrams as our module of the week.
Today we are talking about The Recipes Initiative, the future of install profiles, if distros are still a thing, and answering a bunch of listener questions with our guest Jim Birch. We’ll also cover Quick Links Kit as our module of the week.