
In episode #224 we talk with Grant and Shane from Third and Grove about Gatsby.
In episode #223 we learn about GitLab and how Drupal.org is using it with Tim Lehnen.
In episode #222 we talk with Kaleem Clarkson about Drupal Camps.
In #221 we are live at Drupal GovCon talking with organizers Kirsten and Nina, John, Tim Lehnen, Leslie Glynn, Jacob Rockowitz and Kevin Thull.
In episode #220 we learn about Acquia's open source product, BLT, from Mike Madison.
In episode #219, Stephen, John and Nic talk about tech things they are interested in, Drupal and otherwise.
In episode #218 we get an update on Backdrop, the Drupal fork, from Jen Lampton.
In episode #217 we talk with the Diversity and Inclusion Group leadership.
In episode #216 with talk with Abby Bowman about Drupal for Government. The audio has some minor issues in this episode, but the content is great.
In episode #215 Jason Pamental joins us to talk about Component Based Theming. We also get an update from the Drupal Association with Tim Lehnen.