
Talking Drupal is a weekly podcast that focuses on topics related to Drupal and web development.  Available in both audio and video, is caters to Drupal developers, themers, site builders, and anyone involved with the Drupal community.  Talking Drupal  covers a wide range of topics from technical reviews, new module discussions, and updates on Drupal core to community events and interviews with key contributors.   Each episode brings insightful dialogue, tips, and experiences shared by hosts and guests who are professionals deeply embedded in the Drupal ecosystem. The conversational format aims to educate, inform, and provide a space for the Drupal community to stay connected and informed about the latest trends and changes in technology.



The seed of this show was planted when Stephen Cross and Jason Pamental met many years ago. Stephen was providing web development services for a marketing agency, and Jason became the acting Director of Interactive. They started meeting at their favorite watering hole, Starbucks in Wayland Square – Providence, to talk about “web stuff”. They extended that conversation by launching a Web Design book club.   Stephen had ambitions to podcast and invited the '3/6Drupaly' members of the book club to join him.   Stephen, Jason, John Picozzi, and Nic Laflin recorded the first episode in May 2013.  In 2014 Jason transitioned to a frequent guest.

Today, Talking Drupal remains essentially the same, a conversation about and around Drupal development.



When supporting Talking Drupal, you help to contribute to production and hosting costs for the show.   Any funds exceeding monthly production and hosting expenses will go back to the Drupal community through support of Drupal meetups, camps, and events.

Patreon - Patreon provides an opportunity for individuals to support Talking Drupal.   See Patreon page for more details.

Show Sponsorship - Sponsorship provides organizations with an opportunity to promote their products and services to the Drupal community through the podcast and newsletter.   Talking Drupal is funded through Open Collective.  For more information contact us via e-mail at [email protected].