Talking Drupal #400 - A chat with Dries

May 22, 2023
Today we are talking with Dries Buytaert.


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  • Favorite improvement to Drupal in last 10 years
  • Biggest opportunities and challenges facing Drupal
  • Drupalcon Portland Driesnote Ambitious site builder
  • Spoilers for the next Driesnote
  • Static site generators
  • 50,000 projects
  • Impact of AI
  • People just entering the development market
  • Last thing you coded
    • For work
    • For fun
  • Digital Public Good

The OpenAI module aims to provide a suite of modules and an API foundation for OpenAI integration in Drupal for generating text content, images, content analysis and more. OpenAI is the company behind artificial generational intelligence products that powers applications like ChatGPT, GPT-3, GitHub CoPilot, and more. Our goal is to find ways of augmenting and adding assistive AI tech leveraging OpenAI API services in Drupal, transforming the way you manage your content and maintenance tasks.