Talking Drupal #368 - Image Optimization

October 04, 2022
Today we are talking about Image Optimization with Martin Anderson-Clutz.


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  • Image optimization
  • Why it is important
  • Performance
  • Accessibility and Inclusion
  • Techniques with Drupal
  • Image formats
    • webp
    • svg
    • avif
  • Drupal support
  • What to do before uploading
  • Educating content editors
  • Difference in formats
  • Helpful modules and tools
    • Core
      • Image Styles
      • Responsive Images
    • Contrib
      • Blazy for older sites
      • Crop API, and Focal Point or Image Widget Crop
      • WebP or similar
      • SVG Image Field
      • Image Optimize API, and Local Binaries or similar
    • Image Library
      • Imagemagick
      • GD Library
  • Anything else


Allow a site builder to customize what items appear in the toolbar:

  • Change text labels
  • Add classes (e.g. to add icons)
  • Or hide entirely