Talking Drupal #364- Cypress

September 06, 2022
Today we are talking about Cypress with Jordan Graham.


direct Link


  • What is Cypress
  • Why testing is important
  • What can you test
  • What can you not test
  • Test cases
  • Difference between Behat and Cypress
  • Syntax
  • Drupal and Cypress
  • Cypress module
  • Test DB
  • Speed of tests
  • Module Ecosystem for Cypress
  • Test runner
  • Fixtures
  • Email testing
  • Grouping tests
  • Order of testing
  • Security


As the Views and Views Calc modules rely on the database to perform aggregation, you only have limited options at your disposal.
As the great Merlin himself said: "You can't aggregate a PHP expression in the database.  :/ ".
That's where Views Aggregator Plus comes in.