Talking Drupal #342 - Acquia Code Studio

April 05, 2022
Today we are talking about Acquia Code Studio with Matthew Grasmick and Ron Northcutt.


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  • What is Acquia Code Studio?
  • Are merge requests something that can be done via the Acquia Dashboard?
  • Can I make edits in the browser?
  • Is it Acquia Cloud only?
  • Can you use gitlab, github or bitbucket?
  • How does testing work?
  • Can it co exist with current dev tools?
  • Can you add additional tools like sonarqube?
  • Are there additional fees?
  • Can existing customers use CS?
  • Is there a local setup?


A lightweight module to display any Views results in a calendar table. Compatible with any View as it - should - respects exposed date filters (e.g. >=, <=, ‘between’…etc) and the default rendering of the results (e.g. display fields or as rendered entity).