Talking Drupal #339 - Smart Date

March 15, 2022
Today we are talking about Smart Date with Martin Anderson-Clutz


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  • Why are dates in Drupal so complex
  • How does Smart Date make things easier
  • What inspired you to make Smart Date
  • How has the community helped shape the evolution of Smart Date
  • Are there other key features
  • How is Smart Date’s approach to recurring events different from other modules
  • How do you get started with Smart Date
  • What if your site is using core Date field
  • What modules does Smart Date work with
  • Complex use cases
  • When should you NOT use Smart Date
  • Roadmap
  • How can people help


Provides a widget for inline management (creation, modification, removal) of referenced entities.
The primary use case is the parent -> children one (product display -> products, order -> line items, etc.), where the child entities are never managed outside the parent form.
Existing entities can also be referenced.