Talking Drupal #336 - Discover Drupal

February 22, 2022
Today we are talking about Discover Drupal with Angie Sabin.


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  • Drupal 10.0.0-alpha2 was tagged
  • Describe Discover Drupal
  • Importance of Discover Drupal
  • Roles in DD
    • Trainee
    • Mentor
    • Supporter
  • Mentor’s responsibilities
  • Time commitment
    • Mentor
    • Trainee
  • Mentor application closed
  • North America only and plans to expand
  • Other ways to support the program
  • Number of trainees
  • Plans to join with EDU
  • What the module does
    • Allows editors to specify “featured results” for specific queries, using a capability built into modern versions of Apache Solr
  • What versions are available
    • 2.0.3, works with Drupal 8 and 9
  • What you like about the module and how you use it
    • It provides an admin page for creating and managing overrides, but you can also create overrides and exclusions for a node while editing it
  • What you like about the module and how you use it
    • By default works with nodes, but can be configured to pull from a search
  • Dependencies to thinks about
    • Requires using Apache Solr for search