Talking Drupal #332 - Permissions Management

January 25, 2022
Today we are talking about Permission Management with Benji Fisher.


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  • John - Squid Games – Midcamp hat
  • Abby - Turkish Market and lentil soup
  • Benji - Fruition dedicating more time for open source
  • Nic - Config for Drupal 9.3
  • Overview of Permissions
  • Familiar examples
  • Biggest problem
    • UX nightmare
    • Phantom permissions
  • 9.3 significant improvements
  • Passion project
  • Process to get this in
  • Reviewer role
  • Next phases
  • How to help
  • Drupal puzzles

Flood Control provides an interface for hidden flood control variables (e.g. login attempt limiters) and makes it possible for site administrators to remove IP addresses and user ID’s from the flood table.