Talking Drupal #328 - 2021 in Review

December 23, 2021
Today we are talking about the year in review.


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  • John - Office light
  • Stephen - New favorite podcast
  • Nic - Finally found a graphics card
  • FLDC
  • TD 2021
    • Stephen stepped back from weekly recordings
    • Changes at TD
    • Division of labor
    • Production Schedule
    • Keynote at GovCon
  • Drupal 8 EoL
  • Drupal 7 EoL approaching
  • Virtual Conferences
  • Tech changes
    • Stephen
      • Split keyboard
      • synology
      • SBC and micro controllers
    • John
      • Linux
      • Alexa
      • Fire Tablets
    • Nic
      • TV Shows
  • Favorite moments in 2021
    • Stephen
      • Kids growing up
    • John
      • Changing Jobs
      • Kids growing up
    • Nic
      • Kitako growing up
      • Cooking
  • Thoughts for 2022
    • Stephen
      • New year, new start
    • John
      • In person events
      • More contribution
    • Nic
      • Take stock of life