Talking Drupal #327 - Layout Builder vs Paragraphs

December 21, 2021
Today we are talking about Layout Builder vs Paragraphs.


direct Link


  • Nic - Family visiting
  • Stephen - Behat
  • John - Vacation time
  • Why choose Layout Builder
    • In core
    • UI
  • Josh Miller Q1 - Content model concerns
  • Why choose paragraphs
    • Known
    • Structured content
  • Why not choose layout builder
    • Core integrations
    • Xlation
    • Content split
    • Needs deep core patches
    • Needs UI customization
  • Why not choose paragraphs
    • Performance
    • Hard to use UI
  • Why choose – use both
  • Josh Miller Q2 - Risks about moving into and out of each platform
  • Josh Miller Q3 - Templating concerns

Linkit provides an easy interface for internal and external linking with wysiwyg editors by using an autocomplete field. Linkit has by default support for nodes, users, taxonomy terms, files, comments and basic support for all types of entities.