Talking Drupal #319 - Backdrop CMS

October 25, 2021
Today we are talking about Backdrop with Jen Lampton.


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  • Nic - Vacation
  • April - need new shelves for Lego Harry Potter
  • Jen - Heirloom tomatoes and too much rain
  • John - Personal website / blog
  • Backdrop CMS Elevator pitch
  • Difference between Drupal and Backdrop
  • Why choose Backdrop over Drupal
  • Matt Glaman on twitter
    • General challenges of growing a fork’s identity
    • Challenges in being thrifty
  • Biggest milestones in the last two years
    • New core committers
    • 7 releases with new features
      • Layouts
      • File browser
      • Lazy loading images
      • Config overrides
      • Telemetry
    • Backdrop Live events
  • More listener questions (Matt Glaman)
    • Contributor community
    • Companies specializing in Backdrop
  • Wider adoption as D7 approaches EoL
  • Wider adoption as D9 approaches EoL
  • Ease of migration from D7
    • Easier than migrating D7 to D9
  • More listener questions (Matt Glaman)
    • Marketing challenges
  • Anything that you would do differently after 6 years
  • Philosophy
  • Biggest upcoming features
  • Telemetry

This module enables the CodeSnippet plugin from in your WYSIWYG. It includes the highlightjs library and all available styles for it. If you've ever wanted to drop code examples in your Drupal content and have it highlighted in a pretty format, this is for you. This project is available for Drupal 7 as WYSIWYG CodeSnippet. Since that project relies on WYSIWYG module, and this one only requires D8 core, it made sense to rename it.