Talking Drupal #318 - DDEV

October 19, 2021
Today we are talking about DDev with Randy Fay.


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  • John - TD youtube and linkedin
  • AmyJune - Getting ready for winter and music shows
  • Randy - managing hospice for mother
  • Nic - House cleanouts and lego
  • DDEV elevator pitch
  • Beginning of DDEV
  • Development Process
  • Team
  • Docker use cases
  • Listener Marc van Gend “I’d love to hear about the current state of the project, given the change of ownership. Is it healthy financially?”
  • Listener Josh Miller “Randy has a long history with Drupal, outdating most. a little over 16 years. How did his contribution start, and how has it changed? Does he still build with Drupal?”
  • Roadmap
  • Listener Stephen Cross “I easily got DDEV running on Raspberry Pi, while other tools do not run simply. How has ARM adoption been?”
  • Josh on Twitter “Will docker work on new processors?”

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