Talking Drupal #313 - DevPanel

September 21, 2021
Today we are talking about DevPanel with Salim Lakhani.


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  • John - Nedcamp is going virtual!
  • Tara - Made lots of bread
  • Salim
    • NYC Drupal camp talks / Devops summit
    • Govcon talk
    • Book Pandemic by AG Riddle
  • Nic - Cannot use patches for Drupal 9 compatibility (more news soon)
  • DevPanel elevator pitch
  • How it works
  • Hosting providers (AWS only at the moment)
  • Adding other AWS services
  • Billing structure
  • Certifications
  • Update process
  • Is it open source
  • Features
  • Roadmap
  • DevPanel is closed source but a Public Benefit Company - what that means