Talking Drupal #312 - DrupalPod

September 14, 2021
Today we are talking about DrupalPod with Ofer Shaal.


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  • Nic - Voting
  • Tara -
    • Did not found core mentoring :oops:
    • New job – Just started a few weeks ago so I’m still getting up to speed.
  • Ofer -
    • Editoria11y, Drupal module to help content editors with accessibility
    • WordTune - Free AI service, rewrite paragraphs.
  • John - SearchStax
  • Module of the Week - Redirect After Login
  • What is DrupalPod?
  • What was the inspiration for DrupalPod?
  • Who are the maintainers?
  • How does DrupalPod work?
  • Are you looking for help maintaining DrupalPod?
  • Who uses DrupalPod?
  • How much of DrupalPod is Open Source?
  • What are some of the features of DrupalPod we haven’t talked about yet?
  • What improvements are on the roadmap? Does it have a roadmap?
  • Where did the DrupalPod Logo come from, who created it?
  • How can people get involved with DrupalPod?
  • Changing gears a bit before we end, what is it like seeing Drupal rector utilized so extensively across contrib?

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