Talking Drupal #135 - Tool Tips

December 28, 2016
In episode #135 we talk about tools that we cannot live without.


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  • Freshbooks - some of the features we love
    • Time tracking
    • Easy invoicing
    • Online payments
    • Automatic reminders
    • Recurring invoicing
    • Paper invoices sent from Freshbooks
    • Pricing Note: After the show recording I contact Freshbooks to discuss the pricing. The pricing displayed on their websitedoes not include fees for multiple users. If you have three people using Freshbook, you would add $10 to the price for each addition user - $20.

    - iTerm

    • Mac terminal software - improvement over default Mac terminal app
    • Multiple workspaces
    • Multiple profiles
    • Using zsh to make command line git friendly and provide short cuts
    • See Bonus content
  • PageLayers
    • Mac (App Store)
    • Screen shots that converted to Photoshop files (PSD) with layers
    • Captures full page of content, not only what you can see
    • Capture at responsive sizes
  • FlyCut
    • Mac (App Store)
    • Clipboard manager
    • Saves 40+ previous copies for pasting
    • Dropbox syncing
    • Optional - copying password fields
  • Slack
    • Message app, but much more
    • Many integrations with applications and services
    • Central communication tool
  • Screenhero
    • Screen sharing tool, recently purchased by shack
  • Ulysses
    • Mac, iOS (App Store)
    • Markdown editor

The Droogle Module (sometimes referred to as DR. OOGLE) integrates Google Drive (formerly google docs) with Drupal. It provides a list of a configured google user's documents. Droogle also works with Organic Groups and each Organic Group can hook up to a unique user account to manage its group documents. The module's creation is sponsored by Babson College and is to be used to better manage documents for groups, classes, etc. Integrating documents with google means better access to documents on ipads, iphones, etc, since there are many apps for these devices to sync your google docs account(s). Droogle is not to be confused with BBoogle, which is Blackboards integration with Google Docs -- but Droogle works much the same way and serves the same purpose.