Talking Drupal #131 - Third Party APIs

October 26, 2016
In episode #131 we talk about interfacing your Drupal website with third party APIs.


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Tips of the Week

  • Nic - sign up for Talking Drupal’s new Newsletter to receive bonus material at
  • John - Consider upgrading your Mac before buying a new one.  A Memory upgrade and/or solid state drive can make an old machine new again.
  • Stephen - Look for local meet ups. It’s a great place to learn and make new Drupal friends.

Show Notes

  • What is an API?  A contract between two applications.
  • Client side vs server side access to third party APIs
  • Evaluating APIs
    • Is the API well documentation.
    • Use tools to test the API before you invest time in writing code - (chrome extensions) Advances REST Client, Postman 
    • Relationship with company providing the API. Do you have access to technical support?
  • Authentication - authentication methods, depends of the API
  • Interested in an API - look for a Drupal modules first, before coding one yourself

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