Talking Drupal #076 - Where to Host your Drupal Site

December 03, 2014
In Episode #076 we talk about selecting a hosting company.


direct Link


  • Managed vs Non-Managed

  • Website characteristics

  • Backups

  • Hosting Companies

  • Drupal Specialized Hosting


Hosting Companies

  • Dreamhost

  • A Small orange

  • Linode

  • Media temple

  • Digital Ocean

  • Ramnode

  • Black Mesh

  • Site Ground

The Role Export module allows roles to have machine_names and generates a unique role id (rid) based off of the machine_name. Roles can be exported with Features and get the exact same rid if imported on other sites. Because of this unique rid there is no need to create plugins per contrib module that use the rid in their export code, such as Views, Ctools, Rules, etc. References to this role id will not break on other sites.