Talking Drupal #051 - Con, Camps and Code

May 28, 2014
In episode #51 we talk about a few different topics, Drupal Con, Drupal Camp, and Coding with REST API.


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  • DrupalCon
  • NewdCamp 
  • RestWS
  • Login/Logout/Reset Password


This module allows site builders to set up fine-grained permissions for allowing users to edit and delete other users — more specific than Drupal Core's all-or-nothing 'administer users' permission. It also provides and enforces a 'create users' permission.

To use this module:

  • Create a role for the users who you'd like to be able to create/edit/delete other users
  • Give that new role the 'administer users' permission and give it the desired Administer Users by Role permissions
  • If the user-being-edited has multiple roles, the user-doing-the-editing must have permission to edit ALL of the user-being-edited's roles.