Talking Drupal #043 - Web Fonts

April 02, 2014
In episode #043 we talk about Web Fonts. Our resident expert, Jason, leads us through the world of Web Fonts answering questions like “What are web fonts?”, “Is it better to server them from my server or user a service?”, “How does the licensing work?”, “what are tips for choosing fonts?”


direct Link


  • What are web fonts?
  • What is the difference between web fonts and sage fonts
  • How web fonts have advanced the industry
  • How web fonts work and different formats
  • Is javascript required to use web font?
  • Licensing options for web fonts
  • Choosing to host or use a service
  • Should the developer or customer own the web font service account
  • Tips for choosing a web font
  • Font Services - see links below
  • What is FOUT and how to deal with is
  • Web fonts and Drupal

This module allows customize results returned from the Drupal search.  Features include:

  • Removing the basic search form display if there is an advanced search form present
  • To move the basic keywords search field into the advanced form
  • Options to override the advanced forms fieldset. These include:
  • Remove the collapsible wrapper and title
  • Force it to stay open, but keep the open look and feel
  • Expand initially, then collapsed during searches
  • Expand initially or when there are zero results during searches
  • Label overrides provided for fields. These overrides are still translatable.
  • Title display settings for individual fields; above, hidden or below
  • Hiding or showing search fields completely or by role
  • To repopulate the advanced form fields after a search
  • Filter display options on the "Only of the type(s)" field
  • Custom content type groupings to make the types filter more UI friendly This allows you to specify options like:
    • Standard pages (ie: page, book,etc)
    • Personal blogging pages (ie: blog, forum, etc)
    • All other pages (computed list not including page, book, blog or forum content types)