Talking Drupal #042 - Search

March 26, 2014
In episode #042, the Talking Drupal hosts talk about Search. We have varying experiences of implementing search within a website. There are internal Drupal and external Drupal options, we discuss both approaches.


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In episode #042, the Talking Drupal hosts talk about Search.  We have varying experiences of implementing search within a website.  There are internal Drupal and external Drupal options, we discuss both approaches. 

  • Search Options
  • Out of the box
  • Solr
  • Google Custom Search
  • Search Modules
  • Custom Search
  • Faceted search

This module provides configurable actions upon events that will expire URLs from caches like reverse proxy caches, internal page caches, etc.This module make more sense when Minimum Cache Lifetime setting is set to a value other than none.