Talking Drupal #006 - Context

July 18, 2013
In episode #6 we are talking about Context.


direct Link


  • What is the Context Module
  • Context conditions and reactions
  • Benefits of using context
  • Examples of how to use context module
  • Adding Body Class with context module (Theme HTML)
  • Background Images with context module
  • Context based on menu item and/or path
  • Combining conditions (and, or)
  • Page template context hook
  • Replacing block administration with context
  • Features module and context
  • Side Topic: Ordering Node Content


Context Plugin Extras
Nic’s Drupalcon Prague Presentation Proposal -

Provides a Context condition plugin "context_get" for $_GET arguments. Allows you to active your contexts using arguments like local?context=home or local?context=pro.